Baby steps

Our littlest cutie-pie grandson toddles around with a pretend toy phone held up to his ear saying, “Hi-yo? Hi-yo?”

His one-sided conversation doesn’t really go anywhere but it’s awfully cute and it is good verbal practice according to my speech therapist daughter (who is also his mother).

As his languge continues to develop, he will learn the nuances of a back and forth conversation. Right now he is content with his monologue. Right now, he doesn’t know any better.

When I first became a Christian, I was content with the one-sided conversations I had with God. My prayers were basically short phrases to ask God for something.

Just like my grandson’s simple vocabularry of “eat”, “down”, “up”, “out”, “milk”, “peas” (please), and “hi-yo”, I blurted out requests like “help”, “heal”, “change”, “forgive”, “fix”, and “make”.

My immaturity was evident in my monologue, but I didn’t know any better. I didn’t know I could actually have a back and forth conversation with the God of the Universe.

As I grew in my relationship with The Lord, I began to use more words and care about the words I said. I began to get excited to share my thoughts and my heart’s desires with my God and then wait to see how He would answer and comment.

I became more concerned with what God wanted than with what I wanted. It was amazing. I began to hear the heartbeat of God and understand a little bit more of who He is.

Now, when I say “understand”, please hear me out. As a human with a sinful nature, I cannot begin to really understand everything about God. What I can do is slowly unwrap what I can learn about the character of God and breathe in the absolute love He has for me (and you too).

I’m not interested in learning about extreme doctrine or arguing with scholarly theologians about particular points.

What I am interested in learning about is God’s promises, His faithfulness, His character, and His love – just for starters. That should keep me busy for quite a while. There are 66 books in the Bible chock full of facts, truths, promises, and examples for me to learn about. I’ll never get bored!

As I learn and grow, I hope it is evident in my thoughts, my words, and my actions. I’m sure my once baby-like prayers brought a smile to The Father’s face just as our grandfella’s words do to ours.

But our little guy won’t stay little for long. We want him to grow and mature and practice an age appropriate vocab so that we can carry on meaningful conversations with him and get to know him better.

My Father watched as I grew and matured in my faith. He placed people into my life to help me grow and to steer me in the right direction – towards Him. He waited patiently as I floundered and finally began to spend regular quiet time with Him so that I could communicate with Him in prayer.

OK, will you humor me by allowing me to share one more sweet story about cutie-pie boy? Thanks!

We all sat down around the table last week for our once-a-month family dinner with our kids and grandkids. It looks a little different COVID style, but we’re trying to still keep it a thing.

As my husbnd began to pray for our meal, cutie-pie boy started in on his monologue from the high chair. “Ah dun” “Ah dun” “Ah dun”.

Hubs just kept praying until we were all able to say together, “AMEN”.

*I can’t use cutie-pie boy’s name or face as he is our foster grandson and a ward of the state. But, believe you me, as soon as he’s officially ours, you’ll get to meet him.

 Thank you, Lord for this:

Jeremiah 29:12-13; “Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”